Research and Policy Issue Spotlight: Home Health Care Quality and Outcomes
To improve quality and outcomes, the Center for Home Health Care Policy & Research conducts extensive research and analysis to inform program development and policymaking within the home healthcare sector. Recent findings indicate that home healthcare improves outcomes for chronic conditions, improves recovery from infectious diseases, and reduces risk of hospital readmission. However, the demand for all HHC services has exponentially grown and is quickly outgrowing the supply of providers, creating a home health access crisis that may significantly impact the quality of care and patient outcomes. This policy brief explains how investing in the healthcare workforce can help meet the increasing demand for home health and provide culturally responsive care for the communities home care serves.
Quality and Outcomes Policy Brief
Research and Policy Issue Spotlight: Pandemic Response
Sustainable pandemic preparedness is key to ensuring the safety of the home health aide workforce and the continuation of essential patient care during times of crisis. The Center for Home Care Policy & Research collaborated with various stakeholders to capture experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic, along with lessons learned. This issue brief and accompanying documents provide project findings and present a roadmap and set of high-priority recommendations to guide pandemic preparedness.
Issue Brief and Action Checklists
Pandemic Preparedness Issue Brief
Federal Government Action Checklist
State Government Action Checklist
Local Government Action Checklist
Union Associations Action Checklist
Employers Action Checklist
Contributor List
Other Data and Reports Associated with This Project
HHA Pandemic Preparedness Panel Workbook
HHA Survey Data Presentation
Narrative of Themes Identified in HHA Focus Groups
HHA Vaccination Interview Conceptual Model
Narrative of Themes Identified in In-Depth Interviews with Agency Leaders
Research and Policy Issue Spotlight: Health Equity
Addressing health disparities and advancing equity require a robust research knowledge base to inform program development and policymaking. The Center for Home Care Policy & Research conducts extensive research and analysis on disparities in home care and hospice services and outcomes.
Health Equity
Research and Policy Issue Spotlight: Home Care Workforce and Caregiver Support
The country’s aging population and the related increase in demand for home care services make building a strong caregiving workforce a key policy priority. The Center for Home Care Policy & Research gathers insights into factors that affect both the formal and the informal workforce and interventions that can support workforce development to meet the health, well-being, and functional needs of patients.