For the second year in a row, VNS Health Medicare has earned a rating of 4.5 out of 5 Stars from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). No other Medicare Advantage plan in New York City or Long Island received 4.5 Stars in the latest ratings, making VNS Health the top-ranked Medicare Advantage payer in these areas. Since the rating is given to VNS Health Medicare as a whole, it applies to all three VNS Health Medicare Advantage plans—VNS Health EasyCare, VNS Health EasyCare Plus and VNS Health Total—for 2023.

CMS’s yearly ratings evaluate the overall quality and performance of Medicare plans across the U.S. on a scale of 1 to 5, based on factors like customer satisfaction, access to health care, and how well a plan delivers preventative care to its members. The ratings, which came out just before the start of Medicare’s annual open enrollment period in mid-October, are designed to help people choose a plan that best fits their individual health care needs.